Let There Be Darkness
In the LED Lighting category
LED security lights effects on trees and green city landscape:Human and wildlife circadian rhythms, mental well-being, road safety and the view of our night sky A paper written by David Garlovsky (BSc, MSc, Certificate in Social Phenomenology)was presented at the International SEEDS Conference 2017: Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society Healthy Environments, Buildings and Spaces, Leeds Beckett […]

Light: A session exploring a spectrum of views on various lighting issues
In the LED Lighting, Street Lighting, Trees category
aDavid Garlovsky speaking at the Friends of the Earth event Friday 24 February 2017, 1.30 – 5pm, London, SW9 0HP Community input to street lighting decisions – There has been a growing trend for urban and rural areas to change roadway security lighting knowing that the lights being installed are affecting the urban tree canopy […]