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Home Energy & Cost Saving Tips to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Zero Carbon Yorkshire energy saving tips 2022

Energy Saving in Schools

Piloting energy and light surveys in schools to increase the awareness of energy use. This project involves all sectors of the school community from pupils to governors. The Schools & Homes Energy Project has already helped several schools reduce energy costs.

How much could you save?

Try our interactive energy calculator to find how much energy & money you could save just by changing the type of electric lamp you use.

Average time the lamp is used per day (hours):
Number of days the lamp is on per year:
Lamp power rating (watts) (this will be on the lamp):
Cost per kilowatt (pence). This will be on your energy bill. Typically 33p per kilowatt as at April 2023.
Cost of lamp (pounds)
Lifespan of lamp (hours). You may find this on the lamp's packaging. Typical values are 1,000 hours for an incandescent bulb or 8,000 hours for a low energy bulb.
Total cost of bulbs and energy per year:£0.00£0.00

Want to find out how we can help your school save money?

We’re here to teach and help you implement energy efficient measures for your school. Cut down on your bills while saving the planet.

Case Study: Holt House Infant School, Sheffield

Year 1 and 2 children, working with the Schools & Homes Energy Project helped to reduce their school’s energy bill by £600. They carried out energy and light surveys which were specially designed to tie in with National Curriculum activities.

The results of the survey procedures were presented to the Head teacher, Building Supervisor and governors who agreed to monitor electricity consumption in a classroom fitted with 23W, low energy lamps and another classroom with the same number of ordinary, 150/200W filament lamps. Based on the results of this exercise an estimated saving of £530 per year was predicted.

Payback for the replacement of the ordinary filament light bulbs, with the energy efficiency type was calculated as 181 school year days. The school and the Schools & Homes Energy Project bought 24 bulbs and thanks to Osram Ltd 30 low energy lamps were supplied free, so Holt House school has already realised their predicted savings. Their work was the focus of Channel 4’s “Schools at Work” television programme.

Hot House Educational Resource

Encourage your students to investigate concepts of heat transfer through the education resource we have developed called the HOT HOUSE. It is designed for conducting practical enquiries in thermal and acoustic science.

We provide worksheets, ‘eco’ insulation materials and a HOT HOUSE template to conduct a scientific enquiry with e.g. Y9 class into what is the best type of thermal or acoustic insulation. The students construct our model house using the house template provided to trace round so that it is spatially correct. External wall designs for the HOT HOUSE are provided or students can design their own. The students can compare and record heat loss of Inno-Therm®, bubble wrap, cotton wool, shredded paper, or other eco insulation materials provided; and can use a data logger to record the temperature of the houses to see which lost the least heat. We are also experimenting with an acoustic device to see which insulation absorbs the most sound. Constructing and filling with eco insulation our HOT HOUSE can be used by pupils transferring between KS2 and KS3 and encompasses National Curriculum learning objectives in STEM subjects. It encompasses ideas and concepts about the importance of energy saving and the low energy and carbon emission of eco insulation products. The HOT HOUSE resource has been trial tested with encouraging results at Ecclesfield School and Riverside Primary School, Tadcaster