David Garlovsky has delivered his presentation ‘LET THERE BE DARKNESS’: Blue-rich LED street lighting – effect on circadian rhythms, well-being, road safety and view of night sky at the International SEEDS Conference 2017: Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society Healthy Environments, Buildings and Spaces: Current position and future models Leeds Beckett University, UK – 13th and 14th September 2017.
The paper can be found within The SEEDS Conference Proceedings 2017 published in E-Book form on 4th December with an ISBN number 978-0-9955690-2-7. The paper can be found on page 209 in the E-Book.
Please sign a petition that has been created: “Halt Blue-Rich White Light Pollution”, asking the government to reinstate the All Parliamentary Lighting Group and to urgently create a National Light Policy which properly addresses the harmful effects of modern lighting technology on humans, wildlife, road safety and sky glow.
‘LET THERE BE DARKNESS’: Blue-rich LED street lighting – effect on circadian rhythms, well-being, road safety and view of night sky